How to Receive Food from Manna
What’s in a Manna order?
A Manna order consists of:
- a box of pantry staples (e.g. beans, pasta, canned vegetables, canned fruits)
- a box of fresh fruits and vegetables
- a bag of frozen meat
As always, we will do our best to accommodate dietary specifications of a medical nature, on a case by case basis.
If you need food:
You will speak with one of our referral representatives, who will ask you some simple questions:
1. whether you are a Montgomery County resident
2. whether your income falls below what is necessary to be self-sufficient
3. which day and location is most convenient for you to pick up your food.
- Here is a list of Manna’s food distribution sites.
Please call Manna’s main office during regular business hours at (301) 424-1130. We need to receive your call by 12:00 pm the day before you would like to receive food so we can have your order ready.
When you come to pick up food, you need a photo ID with your current Montgomery County address, or provide a document that proves you currently reside in the county.
If you cannot pick up your food on the day scheduled, you must call Manna in order to reschedule your pick up.
If you need to schedule a pick up outside of Manna’s normal business hours, DIAL 311 to contact the Department of Health and Human Services.
You can also get a referral from hundreds of referral agencies that work with Manna. Ask your case manager, social worker or pastor.

Little Free Pantry
Location: 610 S Frederick Ave, Gaithersburg, MD

(North Entrance of Gaithersburg Presbyterian Church next to Little Free Library.)
After months of searching and preparing, our first Little Free Pantry has finally opened its doors to the public! Built by our very own Edwin Drijas, painted with love by Ellie Shutak and her daughter, and now under the stewardship of Gaithersburg Presbyterian Church, the pantry is open to all. Looking for a snack after a commute on the 55 or 59 bus? Living in Gaithersburg and in need of some dinner or lunch materials? Wanting to find somewhere to give away that flavor of granola bar you don’t like? Stop by and see what the Little Free Pantry has to offer. Take what you need and give what you can! For more information on the Little Free Pantry project, go to or google search “Little Free Pantry” to find other locations closer to you
- Adventist Community Services
- Bethesda Cares
- Catholic Charities
- Community Ministries of Rockville
- Cornerstone
- East County Regional Service Center
- Family Services Agency
- Food Assistance Resource Directory
- Gaithersburg Help
- Germantown Help
- Interfaith Works
- Linkages to Learning
- Montgomery County Coalition for the Homeless
- Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program