Scouting for Food – November 10
Please help the Boy Scouts of Troop 291 as we participate in the annual Scouting for Food Drive.
We ask that you fill this bag (please use more bags if necessary) with non-perishable food items (such as canned fruits or vegetables, pasta, and cereal—no glass please!) and leave it on your porch on Saturday, November 10th by 8:30 a.m.
Troop 291 will pick it up and distribute it to the Manna Food Center.
As you can imagine in these tough economic times, we are under tremendous pressure to help feed thousands of families in Montgomery County. Last year, Manna provided food to an average of 3,700 households each month. Here are the ways Manna fights hunger in the community:
- Manna Food Center collects and distributes more than 34 million pounds of food annually in Montgomery County.
- Manna Food Center provides food to dozens of Montgomery County homeless shelters, soup kitchens, group homes and low- income housing areas.
- Manna provides food to more than 9,500 families a year and distributes bags of healthy food to 2,800 elementary school children each week during the school year. Visit to learn more.
Your Contribution will make a difference in lives of your neighbors who are experiencing hunger in Montgomery County!
We ask that you please give generously, as the Scouting for Food Drive goes a long way towards meeting Manna Food Center’s commitment to the people in Montgomery County.
For questions, contact: Alyssa Alban- 703-928-4397