PRESS RELEASE: Manna Food Center Programs Included in National Anti-Hunger and Health Strategy

Jackie DeCarlo and Admiral Rachel L. Levine, MD, United States Assistant Secretary for Health at the White House’s Challenge Event.
Silver Spring, Maryland, March 6, 2024
Two Manna collaborative programs, Farm to Food Bank and Small Business Vouchers, were among 141 commitments recognized at a Feb. 27th White House Challenge to End Hunger and Build Healthy Communities event headlined by Second Gentleman Emhoff, U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack and Chef Jose Andres.
“Accepting the White House Challenge propels Manna and our partners to advance a vision of Food for All. We believe in a community where everyone can lead fulfilling lives and contribute to making our community a place where all live in dignity,” said Jackie DeCarlo, Chief Executive Officer of Manna.
Manna is investing in the expansion of these two programs, which both circulate financial and food resources throughout the local economy. A grocery voucher pilot that was created during the Covid pandemic has been increasing food access and affordability focused on immigrant communities in Montgomery County, MD. Partnerships with small, culturally-specific grocers and community-led organizations enable participants to choose healthy, relevant foods while supporting local small businesses. This year, Manna has increased by 20% the number of vouchers available. Through Farm to Food Bank, Manna redoubled its commitment to paying small farmers, particularly women and people of color, fair negotiated prices and also funding seasonal set-up costs.
In March 2023, the Biden-Harris Administration announced the White House Challenge to End Hunger and Build Healthy Communities. This nationwide call to action is aimed at encouraging stakeholders across all of society to make bold commitments to advance President Biden’s goal to end hunger and reduce diet-related diseases by 2030—all while reducing disparities. Manna has been actively engaged in fighting hunger locally for 40 years as we share food, educate, and advocate. At the invitation of Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD), Manna attended the historic White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health—held for the first time in 50 years in September 2022—that launched a national anti-hunger strategy.
Support for Manna’s innovative partnerships is made possible with public, corporate, foundational, and individual investments including Montgomery County Government, the Healthcare Initiative Foundation, the Montgomery County Office of Agriculture, and the Greater Washington Community Foundation. For more information on the range of partners engaged in Manna’s work, please visit
About the Manna Food Center:
Manna Food Center serves as the largest community-based food assistance provider in Montgomery County, providing services to 51,000 individuals each year and helping distribute rescued food to partner food assistance agencies, community food pantries, and emergency shelters county-wide. Since 1983, Manna has worked to fight hunger, feed hope and transition recipients from a place of scarcity to prosperity.