Montgomery County Synagogues Provide 42,414 Pounds of Food for Manna Food Center
Temple Beth Ami Wins the Manna Food Center “All-Star” Community Trophy for Second Year in a Row
Media Contact:
Sam Miller
SILVER SPRING, October 30, 2020 – Every year, synagogues in Montgomery County hold High Holy Day food drives and fund raisers benefitting Manna Food Center. These food drives, which occur in the fall, help stock our warehouse shelves as we prepare for the busy holiday season.
This year, only half as many synagogues were able to participate in the Yom Kippur food drives. But despite significantly fewer participants and the challenges created by COVID-19, the Yom Kippur food drives were a stunning success, ultimately providing Manna with 42,414 pounds of food—a 33% increase from the 31,198 pounds supplied in 2019.
“This contribution of financial and food resources will go a long way in helping so many more people in need,” said former Manna Board Chair Mitchell Glassman, who worked to coordinate the High Holy Day food drives.
This year also marks the second “Harvest Against Hunger” competition, an opportunity for congregations to compete among themselves to see who can most increase their donations from the previous year. The congregation with the largest percentage increase in donations is declared the winner. This year, the trophy is awarded to Temple Beth Ami.
“Temple Beth Ami, Adat Shalom Reconstructionist Congregation and the entire Jewish community have really set a shining example of the giving spirit,” said Manna Food Center CEO Jackie DeCarlo. “This is a great way to kick off our holiday food drive season, especially during this time of increased need due to COVID-19.”
The final results of the Harvest Against Hunger competition are as follows:
1st Place Winner – Temple Beth Ami: 2020 Total Pounds of Food – 22,126.32
Percentage Change from 2019 312.96%
2nd Place – Adat Shalom: 2020 Total Pounds of Food – 10,437.74
Percentage Change from 2019 – 286.73%
For more information about Manna Food Center, visit