Happy Independence Day
Dear Manna supporter,
When I was in the third grade I won an essay contest entitled, “Why I Love My Country.” Whenever the 4th of July rolls around, I remember my careful cursive writing and some of the things a young girl was proud of: beautiful landscapes, the Constitution, and caring teachers like Mrs. Robinson.
All grown up and living in Montgomery County, I still believe deeply in the best of America. Even though on a daily basis the Manna team witnesses some of the struggles our neighbors face, we also know firsthand that community members, like you, are rising to the challenge of fighting hunger with us. We need food, friends, and funds to reach approximately 3,700 families each month, and your continued generosity and support make that work possible.
Thanks also to those of you who responded to last month’s request to participate in our strategic planning survey. The people we serve are partners in our work too. Recently, as part of our strategic planning process, Manna invited groups of clients to speak to us about Manna services and to share opinions about the future of our work. Their sentiments were both encouraging when they spoke of their gratitude for Manna and heart-wrenching when they spoke of their need:
If there was no way to get food from Manna during the month, the degree of hardship will be great, especially for the children who often have to go to bed hungry. There are numerous occasions during the month were there is only enough food for the children, so the parents will miss a meal.
Throughout the summer, Manna will continue our process of listening to stakeholders as we finalize a strategic plan. I will be sharing details with you in future newsletters. While we don’t have all of goals and strategies set, like that little third grader who won her first blue ribbon, I’m very optimistic about our prospects. I know what this community has to offer, and I’m proud to work with you and the whole Manna team to create a Hunger Free Montgomery County.
Jackie DeCarlo
Executive Director