Groups Sign-Up Form Group Leader Contact InfoFirst Name *Last Name *Email AddressE-newsletterStay up to date with what's happening at Manna including new volunteer opportunities! If you do not wish to receive our e-newsletters please check the box below.I do not wish to receive Manna's e-newsletters.Primary Phone NumberThis is my:Cell PhoneWork PhoneHome PhoneSecondary Phone NumberThis is my:Cell PhoneWork PhoneHome PhoneAbout Your GroupPlease know all volunteers must be able to sign our Volunteer Agreement form confirming they have never been convicted of a violent crime, child abuse, child pornography, kidnapping, rape or any sexual offense.What is the name of your group/organization?Businesses/organizations that are larger please also include your department or location.Has your group volunteered with Manna before? *YesNoHow many people are in your group?What is the age range of your group members?16 and older11 and olderVolunteer OpportunityWhich opportunity(s) are you interested in?What month or date is your group looking to volunteer?What time of day is you group looking to volunteer?Is there anything else about your group that you would like us to know? Submit