April 27-28 – MCMF Annual Food Drive 2019
The Montgomery County Muslim Foundation (MCMF) is hosting its annual food drive at local Giant Stores in Montgomery County to support Manna on April 27th and April 28th, 2019.
Last year 200 MCMF volunteers put in 1000 hours at 13 Giant Food stores and collected 9000 pounds of food. No small achievement!
Volunteers Needed!
MCMF is looking for volunteers to help make this year’s food drive a success. Email mcmfmd@gmail.com or call (301) 825 3657 to let MCMF know if you can volunteer on Saturday or Sunday. Shifts are from 11 am to 2 pm and 2 pm to 5pm.
Montgomery County Muslim Foundation (MCMF) is a grassroots, non-profit, charitable organization in Montgomery County, Maryland. Manna runs Food Centers in Montgomery County since 1983 with the mission of ending hunger through food distribution, education, and advocacy.