February 4: Change to SNAP Benefits Information/Discussion
Over 1,500 Montgomery County residents may be impacted by a recent change in SNAP policy. Effective January 1 “able-bodied adults without dependents” can only receive SNAP (food stamp) benefits for 3 months in a 3 year period. This change may impact over 1500 Montgomery County residents, causing many to lose their benefits starting in April.
To better understand who might be affected and how these changes will impact County residents, Manna Food Center is hosting an information session on Thursday, February 4th from 2p-3:30p at the Casey Health Institute in Gaithersburg. Staff from Maryland Hunger Solutions will discuss the new time limit and ways that social service providers can effectively support individuals impacted by this rule.
This is a public event, but space is limited. Please RSVP by visiting http://tinyurl.com/z3j6x9u, scanning the QR code below or e-mailing jenna@mannafood.org.
When: Thursday, February 4th (2-3:30pm)
Where: Casey Health Institute, 800 S. Frederick Ave., Gaithersburg, MD 20877